Forward: The Hoard of the Dragon

It is a truth universally acknowledged that a mighty Dragon in possession of all his faculties, must be in want of a hoard. As I am a Bookwyrm, my hoard consists of tomes young and old, fictions and biographies.

My hoard is in the back of an old bookshop downtown, and my human assistant Bianca is of the opinion that the shop should see more business than it currently does. Clearly she does not understand the purpose of a wyrm’s hoard. I am a collector, and as such, my goal is always to increase my hoard, rather than diminish it. But she seems to have other ideas. Strange things, humans. I have yet to understand what purpose they find in life without a hoard. But that is no matter. I merely started this “blog” as to appease her endless provocations. She desires that I “review” the tomes within my hoard so as to attract certain ones to the general populous. If I am fortunate, this will be but a passing fancy and she will turn her sights to other vexations soon enough.

-XQZ, The Bookwyrm